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How- ever, these attempts did not lead to interpretable results, which proved to be too sensitive to the specific criteria employed to define the point on the curve that would identify a requirement. In view of the reservations expressed above, the data from nitrogen balance studies in children were not utilized. Instead, the factorial approach was employed for children from 7 months through 18 years of age.
In view of the doubts about the accuracy of the values generated by the empirical data, the factorial approach using data for growth and its amino acid composition and maintenance was utilized to determine requirements. In this model, the growth component was estimated from estimates of the rate of protein deposition at different ages Table 10-9, the amino acid composition of whole body protein Table 10-19, and incremental efficiency of protein utilization as derived from the studies in Table 10-8.
The obligatory buy Viagra Soft 50 mg Online Safely for protein deposition growth was calculated as the product of the rate of protein deposition Table 10-9 and the amino acid composition of whole body protein Table 10-19. It is also necessary to buy Viagra Soft 50 mg Online Safely a maintenance amino acid require- ment since by 7 buy Colchicine of age, the dietary requirement necessary to main- tain the body in nitrogen equilibrium accounts for more than 50 percent of the total indispensable amino acid requirement. First, estimates of the amino acid requirements needed for mainte- nance were calculated based on estimates of the obligatory nitrogen loss, Buy Viagra Soft 50 mg Online Safely, which is the total rate of loss of nitrogen by all routes urine, feces, and miscellaneous in children receiving a protein-free or very low protein intake.
Assuming that each individual amino acid contributed to this loss in proportion to its content in body protein, and that this represents the minimal rate of loss for this amino acid, the amount of this amino acid that must be given to replace the loss and achieve nitrogen balance is taken as the maintenance requirement when corrected for the efficiency of nitrogen utilization. Thus, the lysine requirement for maintenance for children 7 months through 13 years of age is calculated by multiplying the obligatory nitrogen loss of 57.
Then this is divided by the slope of the regression of protein intake versus nitrogen balance, which buys Viagra Soft 50 mg Online Safely the efficiency protein utilization of 0. A second method for estimating maintenance requirements is to assume that at nitrogen equilibrium, the relative requirement of each indispensable amino acid is in proportion to its contribution to body protein.
This method is mathemati- cally equivalent to the method described above, but because the values for obligatory loss and maintenance protein requirement were taken from the regression of protein intake against nitrogen balance, for statistical reasons they give slightly different results, and both are given in the Table 10-20.
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This difference is predictable because of the imperfec- tions in the factorial approach. It is likely that the obligatory loss of one amino acid is higher than that for other amino acids in relation to their content in body protein, Buy Viagra Soft 50 mg Online Safely. If this loss cannot be reduced further generic Fasigyn can no longer be used for anabolic processes. Moreover, as the maintenance protein requirement is estimated to be the same per kilogram of buy Viagra Soft 50 mg Online Safely weight in adults and children, it is reasonable to conclude that the amino acid values for maintenance needs derived from the obligatory nitrogen loss are likely to be overestimates in children as well as in adults.
A coefficient of varia- tion of 43 percent for protein deposition was determined in the study of Butte and coworkers 2000, and this varied little with age and gender. All of the above five methods are bought Viagra Soft 50 mg Online Safely on measuring a change in the particular endpoint in response to graded levels of the test amino acid. A key observation regarding nitrogen balance as an endpoint is that there is a curvilinear relationship between nitrogen balance and test amino acid intake, so that nitrogen retention nitrogen balance becomes less efficient as zero balance is approached Figure 10-7 Rand and Young, 1999.
Furthermore, the earlier work did not include miscella- neous losses in their nitrogen balances.